Sanwa Hydrotech Corporation develops, manufactures and sells process pumps including metallic seal-less magnet drive pumps, multi functional pumps for slurry application.

For inquiry Overseas business dept: 81-6-6330-5984
Home » Privacy policies
Privacy policies

Sanwa Hydrotech Corporation (hereafter referred to as ""SX"") thoroughly understands the importance of personal information, and the need to handle and protect it carefully.

Use of personal information

  1. SX will specify the purpose and the use of the personal information when it requests from customers.
  2. SX promises to obtain prior approval from customers before using personal information, except for the case in section 3 below.
  3. Personal information may be disclosed if SX receives a legitimate request based on the laws and ordinances from a designated authority.

Control and protection of personal information

  1. SX takes appropriate measures to control the personal information received from customers, and to prevent leaks of the information to any third party.
  2. SX may assign an external agent to handle personal information in order to improve its service to customers.
    In this case, SX will choose a subsidiary or agent (hereafter referred to as the "Assigned Agent") that is pledged to handle the personal information properly.)
    SX includes a requirement in its contract with any Assigned Agent that they must take all appropriate measures to prevent customer information from leaking or being misued."
  3. SX collect the information as needed, and correct our system to match with changes of laws and ordinances, as well as change of social environments.

Respect customers' intentions concerning personal information

  1. SX does not disclose or submit personal information about customers without the prior approval of that customer, except when it is supplied to an Assigned Agent.
    However, SX may disclose or submit personal information without notifying customer, if it is requested to do so by a law or ordinance, or by a legitimate authority such as the courts or police when they are acting in accordance with the law.
  2. SX will promptly change or delete personal information from any customer if requested to do so.

Other related items

  1. The company regulations of SX require protection of personal information based on these privacy policies, and provide clear guidelines for handling personal information by its management and employees.
  2. SX has a system in place to check whether personal information is being appropriately protected by the company.
  3. SX periodically reviews and improves the items above to ensure proper handling of personal information.
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